Friday, September 5, 2008

I define communication as a two way process were there is a sender and a receiver, communication skills are very important in an organizations success it depends on how effective sending the information to make sure that the one who receives will be able to understand give ideas or feedback as an outcome

Being creative of sending the information, being sensible to the information to be send or relayed, making shared meaning of how valuable the information and giving importance to privacy are just a few skills of an effective communication that are essential in facing challenges posed by globalization and diversity.

There are some factors that can prevent the communication achieving the meaning; it can be poor-timing, lack of information and lack of follow-up to the feedback or outcome. There are so many choices of using the channels of communications, these includes: direct or face to face conversation, telephones, faxes, public speeches, letters, memos, emails. Also for me lately, I find it interesting, fun and educational are Webinar’s for training, conference and so fort…, finally the Voice over Internet protocols (VOIP). They are all keys to connect and in current economy I think it is wise and important to choice a new way as a means of effective communication.

I also want to emphasize, it does not mean because you know the how to?, you are not exempted to the possibility that because you are being ineffective communicator that brought up the idea of realization that given to all the ways of communication still its too disappointing to know people were not able to have a proper way exchanging of ideas, information and etc., but then being ineffective is a way to become very effective and sometimes people may tend to cut off the communication to feel and experienced that they are ineffective to be able to express that thoughts into words.

Let me make a confession here I am a very poor communicator, tending to avoid almost everything to cover my weakness, mostly trying to be in the safe side that my own word will come back to me, I discover that I was being so tackles. One thing I know about myself I love talking, exchanging ideas and I miss those days that I am hanging with some of my friends that talks to me until who drop, and give up. But as my environment and surrounding changes that starts that I am withholding talking and be around with people I become so isolated and the idea of talking and communicating was becoming so hard, Lately as I keep on learning and trying to get back on track I feel that I was just totally out in the topic, even too far from the real subject, the more I talk the more I slip off. So I end up thinking of cutting off all the communication, avoiding all the phone calls, losing the cell phone, so I keep on reading until I end up thinking and writing it so I will be able to read it everyday.Feel free to visit my sites: